Saturday, January 4, 2014

WOD 010414

WOD 010413

AMRAP in 4 min:

10 Push-ups
10 KB Swings

then, AMRAP in 4 min of:

5 Clapping Push-ups
1 Rope Climb

then, 50 Med Ball Cleans for time.

Post rounds and times to comments.  There is no rest between AMRAPs and the time for med balls starts at the 8 minute mark.

1 comment:

  1. TKonen:
    1st 4 min: 4 rnds + 10 push ups and 5 kb
    2nd 4 min: 5 rnds + 5 push ups and 3 pull ups (subbed 5 pull ups for 1 rope climb)
    50 medball clean for time 4:18
    cash out: 800m run
