Tuesday, December 3, 2013

WOD 120413

WOD 120413

Strength:  Deadlift 1x5 60% of max, 1x4 70%, 3x3 80%

For time:

1 Power Clean
10 Strict Pull-ups
2 Power Cleans
9 Strict Pull-ups
3 Power Cleans
8 Strict Pull-ups

Post times to comments.  Cash Out:  800m Run for time.


  1. Kelly - 13:48 (135#, weighted pullups first 3 sets @ 10#)
    Fisher - 14:58 (65-85#)
    Maly - 16:15 (115#)
    Gibbins - 16:47 (115#)
    Wolk - 21:35 (135#)

  2. T Konen - 8:35. Subbed strict pull ups for jumping pull ups.

    cash out: 2 x 250m row (still iced outside)
