Monday, May 13, 2013

WOD 051313

WOD 051313

For Time:

21 Back Squat 225#
42 Sit-ups
15 Back Squats
30 Sit-ups
9 Back Squats
18 Sit-ups

Post times to comments.


  1. My group scaled this workout pretty severely because none of us work out with weights very often and were worried that #225 would be too heavy to allow us to complete the workout. So, I debated even posting our times.

    Dority, 95 LBS - 3:21
    Maly, 95 LBS - 3:58
    Kelly, 95 LBS - 4:02
    Fisher, 85 LBS - 4:05
    Wawro, 65 LBS - 4:42

    Needless to say, it was not as challenging as we had expected it to Fish did this WOD again while the rest of us did Invisible Fran

    Dority - 3:50
    Maly - 4:54
    Wawro - 5:53

  2. Short - 6:19 @ 155#
