Tuesday, July 16, 2013

WOD 071713

WOD 071713

20 Burpee Box Jumps, then

4 Rounds for time:
8 Front Squats
12 Pull-ups
16 Overhead Lunges

20 Burpee Box Jumps to end.

Post times to comments.


  1. My group modified this workout. We did the following:

    For Time:

    20 burpee box jumps

    4 rounds
    8 Front Squats (95 lbs)
    12 pull ups
    12 push ups
    16 overhead lunges (45 lbs)

    20 box jump burpees

    Dority - 17:48

  2. Kelly - Front Squats 65#; Overhead Lunges 45#; Time: 12:19 (burpee box jumps were not timed, though)

  3. Maly - did it like Shawn described (25# Lunges) total time - 17:30
